September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.  During this time each year, communities nationwide are able to direct attention to addressing a topic that most of us find challenging to discuss.

In Oregon, suicide has become the 8th leading cause of death.  Each day in Oregon, there is an average of two (2) lives that are lost by suicide. While these facts can be discouraging, we at Tillamook Family Counseling Center want to communicate and share that suicide is a public health problem that is preventable.

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month provides a dedicated time for us to communicate and connect with the community about specific strategies and resources that can make a difference in saving lives. During this month, we will be using our webpage and links to highlight information that will not only raise awareness, but also connect those who are in need with treatment.

During this month, we will:

  1. Continue to highlight messaging that shares the importance of suicide prevention.
  2. The Agency will sponsor a QPR Gatekeeper Training. QPR stands for “Question, Persuade and Refer.” This is a community intervention that supports participants with skills to help save a life from suicide. The training will be held on Friday, September 18th, from 10:00-11:30 am.
  3. Continue to offer a Weekly Support Group for those who are experiencing the stress of the pandemic. The group is offered virtually, each week on Thursdays, 1-2pm. Group uses the Zoom platform. Those interested can call TFCC at (503) 842-8201 or (800) 962-2851. Staff will assist you and provide the link to connect with group services.