The Tillamook Family Counseling Center is a comprehensive behavioral health services provider serving youth, adults and their families in Tillamook County.

The agency was incorporated in 1983 and has been successfully operating in Tillamook County since that time.

The Trained Staff at TFCC are all highly qualified behavioral health professionals, trained to assess your problems and to partner with you to seek solutions. TFCC is certified by the Health Systems Division of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

The agency is recognized by most private health insurance providers and is a member of the Columbia Pacific Coordinated Care Organization (CPCCO). CPCCO is the organization charged with managing the health benefits for Oregon Health Plan members in Clatsop, Columbia, and Tillamook counties. TFCC is also certified by the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) to provide services to the developmentally disabled.

father holding son

Tillamook Family Counseling Center

Tillamook Family Counseling Center Tillamook Location

Tillamook Main Office

906 Main Avenue
Tillamook, OR 97141

Tillamook Family Counseling Center Rockaway Beach

North County

8100 S Pansy Street
Rockaway Beach, OR 97136

Tillamook Family Counseling Center

Developmental Disabilities

3600 Third Street, Suite C
Tillamook, OR 97141